My creative work
This is my creative work about the building that is make from rocks. This image is composed through Photoshop and Google Sketch up. From the image, it shows the night time environment around the buildings, the light effects and human activities toward the environment that building locates.
Image of a great piece of Architecture
This building is called the Swiss Re Building, that locates in London. The most interesting part of this building is its unique cone shape and the arrangement of two different colour glasses. Further, architect designs six shafts in each floor, which allows to pull warm air out of the building during summer, and use solar heating to keep the whole building warm in winter. This reduce the use of energy inside the buildings. Also, the shafts in each floor allow sunlight to pass through the building to create pleasing working environment and reduce the use of energy in light.
Beautiful Photograph
This image is taken by my friend in Milson's point, which is opposite to the Sydney Operate House. This image shows the night environment around the Sydney Operate House and Harbour bridge, and the beautiful light effects on the buildings. Also, the rainbow lights on the water further highlights the beauty of images.
It is really fun to take photos with my friends and enjoy the day with them.:)
LOUISE BOURGEOIS: height,contrast ,large
AI WEIWEI: twist, overlap,conjoint
STELARC: mirror, reflect, symmetrical